Monday 19 May 2014

I want to build top 10 best blogs by 2015

Hi, my name is Sean Paul. I am currently an a student of Unstoppable Business School. Understanding that there is nothing can stop the penetration of the Internet in the world, I am currently learning how to build website. I want to build top 10 best blogs in the world. But I know it is very difficult to create something that I never have any background of before.

I like writing and sharing what I know to the world. And hopefully, I am able to learn from great people in the internet world as well. Please give me a shoutout. I am happy to be in touch and learn from anyone of you.

Currently I am working to build my websites. Now I have three websites on the go and need a lot of things to be done. Global Compilation, Top10fashionista and My999movies.